RLG AND CAPITAL: Setting up an asset management company in Andorra

Setting up an asset management company

Protect your assets, reduce taxes and inheritance costs

Protect your assets, reduce taxes and inheritance costs Our firm offers personalized assistance to every client. Our team of experts will guide you and provide personalized assistance in the creation of your patrimonial company. We accompany you throughout your project, and work with you to identify the best options for growing your wealth.


6800€ All inclusive

Our accounting firm's rates include an all-inclusive, transparent package.

Our services:

  • Drafting the corporate purpose and company name reserve.
  • Drafting the foreign investment application.
  • Drafting of articles of association and business advice.
  • Application to open a bank account (we will introduce you to several establishments).
  • Contact our accounting team.
  • Preparing the file with the notary's office - A member of the company will accompany you every step of the way.
  • Registration of your company with the tax authorities (NRT tax number).
  • Preparation of a trade name reserve application.
  • Contact an approved professional to draw up an electrical bulletin and fire extinguisher contract (mandatory).
  • Issue of all legal originals.
  • Preparation of immigration file for residence(s) (family reunification), accompaniment for medical examination.
  • We put you in touch with people who are looking to buy or rent an apartment.
  • Put you in touch with our partners to buy or lease a company vehicle.
  • We register you at the Mairie of your choice, and take all the necessary steps to obtain your resident's card.
  • Registration for children's schooling. We can help you with all your Catalan language needs.
  • Obtaining a CASS (health) card and contacting the referring GP.
  • Certification of your driving license.
  • Help in finding a property to buy or rent.




Tel. From Andorra : +376 810 607

Tel. From France : +33 6 95 92 73 67

Little tax on dividends

In Andorra, corporation tax ranges from 2 % to 10 % on profits from all types of activity.

Not subject to I.F.I.

Andorra is renowned for its favorable tax environment, with no real estate wealth tax.

Reduced VAT rate - 4.5%

Andorran companies benefit from a VAT rate of 4.5%.

Low income tax

Andorra is known for its low taxes, offering long-term residency to foreign investors.

Bank secrecy

Andorra's banking secrecy laws are among the strictest in the world, offering added security for investors.

Company vehicles

Andorran companies can benefit from tax advantages for company cars.

Société Patrimoniale in Andorra: Protect your assets

You wish to preserving and enhancing your heritage while avoiding tax problems and inheritance rights? Our firm offers a customized solution to secure your assets and optimize your tax situation through an Andorran patrimonial company.
Benefit from our expertise in international wealth management and unique opportunities.
Let our team help you create your company by Andorra from


Andorra offers you a unique legal advantage: a wealth management company free of inheritance and gift tax. Exclusive to Andorra, this scheme facilitates the transfer of assets at no extra charge. Our business center, expert in Andorran inheritance law, offers tips and personalized support for optimize this opportunity.

Questions & Answers 
most frequent

Similar to the SCI in France, the société patrimoniale focuses on the ownership and management of real estate properties. In recent years, Andorra has put in place policies to stimulate inward investment. Thanks to this, several opportunities have arisen in the principality, offering attractive returns.

La Principauté d’Andorre attire de plus en plus, et ce n’est pas sans raison ! En y créant une Société Patrimoniale (SP), vous entrez dans le domaine de la gestion d’actifs mobiliers et immobiliers, tout en profitant d’une fiscalité avantageuse.

Avec 100 % des parts de votre SP, vous en êtes l’unique dirigeant.

Si vous projetez d’acheter ou de louer un bien immobilier, la Société Patrimoniale est une solution idéale. Elle facilite le rapatriement de vos propriétés ou revenus fonciers en Andorre. Voici quelques avantages :

Économies significatives : Réduction des coûts immobiliers pour un portefeuille en meilleure santé. • Tax optimization : Moins d’impôts en rapatriant vos biens en Andorre. • Transmission facilitée : Succession simplifiée, sans frais supplémentaires. • Protection du patrimoine : Vos biens restent à l’abri, même en cas de faillite de votre entreprise.

When it comes to passing on wealth to the next generation, the Société Patrimoniale is the solution and a real magic wand.

Imagine being able to generously pass on your wealth to your loved ones, whether parents or children, without the slightest hint of inheritance tax.

By opting for such a structure, you can orchestrate gifts to your loved ones during your lifetime, all in a particularly favourable tax environment. It's the art of combining generosity with financial intelligence!

Non-residents can freely acquire real estate in Andorra, provided they obtain prior authorization from the government. Whether you're looking for apartments, houses, parking lots, commercial premises, restaurants, hotels, land and much more, our firm is here to guide you. For all your real estate needs in Andorra, trust our firm.


Contact (#4)





9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Carrer Sant Salvador, 10 Edifici Plaza 2on 4a AD500 - Andorra La Vella, Principat d'andorra